Query Management

Reference | Relational Databases

Granitic includes the query manager facility which allows your application to store database queries as templates in plain text files, rather than embedding them in your source code.

The facility is highly customisable and can be used to manage queries for any queryable data source (search engine, document database, etc), but this section of the documentation covers the most common use case of managing queries to be executed against a relational database.

Refer to the facility documentation for more information on how to configure and customise.

Query files

Once you have enabled the facility, Granitic will expect to find template files in the folder resource/queries - this path is relative to wherever you start your application from. You can change this path by setting QueryManager.TemplateLocation.

Any files in that folder, or sub-folders, will be parsed as potential query template files. Each file can contain zero to n queries and look like:




  name AS Name
  id = ${ID}

Query IDs

A line that starts ID: indicates the start of a new query with the string after the colon becoming the query ID (or QID) for that query. The example above defines two queries: CREATE_ARTIST and ARTIST_BY_ID

Query template

All text after a query ID line until the next query ID line (or the end of the file) is consider to be the query template. Lines that only contain whitespace will be discarded.


If your query template does not contain any variables, it is considered a fragment. Application code using the rdbms.Client can recover these text fragments directly.


Strings of the form ${Name} or ${!Name} are variables that will be substituted with values passed in during query execution. The ! marks a variable as required - executing the query without providing a value for a required variable will result in an error.

Values are provided either as a map or as struct. If the value source is a map, Granitic looks for a key with the exact name of the variable (e.g FirstYearActive not firstYearActive). If the source is a struct, Granitic expects a field to be present that shares the exact name of the variable (e.g FirstYearActive not firstYearActive) or for a field to have the dbparam struct tag set the exact name of the variable:

type ArtistQuery struct {
  StartYear `dbparam:"FirstYearActive"`  

Supported types for variable substitution

The types that you may use as values for variables depends on the value processor (see below) that the query manager is configured to use. For more information on value processors, refer to the facility documentation

Arrays of supported types will be rendered as comma de-limited lists.

SQL mode

To enable SQL mode for the query manager, set QueryManager.ProcessorName to "SQL" in your configuration. This means that when a query is generated from a template:

  • Unset (and unrequired) variables will be replaced with null
  • String variables will be wrapped in single quotes
  • bool variables will be replaced by 0 or 1 (configurable)


The current implementation of the query manager facility is only intended to support static queries. Dynamic query construction (with the use of conditional statements) is not supported.

It is possible to avoid embedding queries in your code by:

  • Creating templates for fragments of queries and combining them at runtime
  • Making use of the FindFragment and RegisterTempQuery methods on the rdbms.Client interface made available to your code.

Next: Executing queries

Prev: Database provider