Query Manager

Reference | Facilities

Enabling the QueryManager facility allows you to store query templates in plain text files instead of your application’s Go code.

Any type of query can be stored in the templates, but the facility optionally provides additional support for SQL queries and integrates closely with RDBMS Access facility.

Usage of this facility is covered in detail in the query management section of the reference manual. The remainder of this section covers the configuration and customisation of the facility.


The QueryManager facility is disabled by default. To enable it, you must set the following in your configuration

  "Facilities": {
    "QueryManager": true


The default configuration for this facility can be found in the Granitic source under facility/config/querymanager.json and is:

    "TemplateLocation": "resource/queries",
    "QueryIDPrefix": "ID:",
    "TrimIDWhiteSpace": true,
    "VarMatchRegEx": "\\$\\{([^\\}]*)\\}",
    "NewLine": "\n",
    "CreateDefaultValueProcessor": true,
    "ProcessorName": "CONFIGURABLE",
    "ElementSeparator": ", ",
    "ValueProcessors": {
      "Configurable": {
        "WrapStrings": true,
        "StringWrapWith": "'"
      "SQL": {
        "BoolFalse": 0,
        "BoolTrue": 1

Template location

Alter the value of QueryManager.TemplateLocation to change where Granitic looks for query template files. Note that relative directories will be relative to the working directory in which your application is running.

Granitic will recursively search all child directories and any file found will be parsed for queries.

Template parsing

Query IDs

QueryManager.QueryIDPrefix defines prefix the lines in a query template file that signify the start of a new query and define the unique ID for that query. For example, a line starting ID:ALL_ARTISTS would indicate that the following text represents a query that has the ID ALL_ARTISTS.

QueryManager.TrimIDWhiteSpace defines whether query IDs should be trimmed for whitespace.

Line endings

QueryManager.NewLine is unused and will be removed in a future version of Granitic


QueryManager.VarMatchRegEx defines the format of variables in template files (by default they are ${VarName}). If you change this, your regex must include a single capture group which isolates the name of the variable.


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