Query execution

Obtaining a Client interface

Queries can be executed against an RDBMS by any code that has access to a client manager. Typically your code will be part of a struct which has a member variable of type rdbms.ClientManager into which Granitic will inject a client manager.

type ArtistDAO struct {
    DBClientManager rdbms.ClientManager

A method in your application can then use this manager to obtain a rdbms.Client, which is the interface that allows you to execute queries:

func (ad *ArtistDAO) FindAll() ([]*Artist,error) {

    client, err := ad.DBClientManager.Client()

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err


func (ad *ArtistDAO) FindAll(ctx context.Context) ([]*Artist,error) {

    client, err := ad.DBClientManager.ClientFromContext(ctx)

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

Note that a rdbms.Client is not goroutine safe as it holds information about transaction state and implicitly about a connection to a database.

Executing templated queries

The rdbms.Client interface is designed to work closely with the query manager and provides a series of methods to execute templated queries. Those methods are named in a similar way to those on regexp.Regexp and are generally of the form:



  • SQLVerb is Select, Delete, Update or Insert
  • BindingType is optional and can be Bind or BindSingle
  • ParameterSource is optional and can be either Param or Params

QID indicates the method is expecting to be passed the ID of a query template managed by the query manager


Methods with Bind or BindSingle provide a mechanism for automatically copying result data into structs or slices of structs.


If the method name contains BindSingle, you will pass a pointer to a struct into the method and its fields will be populated:

ad := new(ArtistDetail)

if found, err := rc.SelectBindSingleQIDParams("ARTIST_DETAIL", rid, ad); found {
  return ad, err
} else {
  return nil, err

This is typically used for queries that are guaranteed to return a single row.


If the method contains the word Bind, you will supply an example ‘template’ instance of a struct and the method will return a slice of that type:

params := make(map[string]interface{}

if r, err := client.SelectBindQIDParams("ARTIST_SEARCH_BASE", params, new(ArtistSearchResult)); err != nil {
  return nil, err
} else {
  return id.artistResults(r), nil

This is typically used for any query which returns an unknown number of rows.

Parameters sources

Parameters to populate template queries can either be supplied via a single name/value pair (methods with the word Param) or via a map or struct (methods with Params).

When using a map, it should be of type map[string]interface{}. When using structs, the field names on the struct will be matched against expected variable names, unless the dbparam struct tag is used instead.

See the Variables section of the query manager documentation for more details.

Executing non-templated queries

If you are not using the query manager, rdbms.Client provides pass through access to the Exec, Query and QueryRow methods on sql.DB

Not that these direct methods can be freely mixed with calls to the templated-query methods, even inside a transaction (see below).


To start a transaction, invoke the StartTransaction method on the Client like:

defer db.Rollback()

and end it with:


The deferred Rollback call will do nothing if the transaction has previously been committed.

Any query methods executed between StartTransaction and CommitTransaction/Rollback will be executed inside a ‘transaction’ as defined by your RDBMS.

Utility methods

The rdbms.Client interface provides a number of utility methods to support templated query execution.

FindFragment returns the text of a query template that does not have any variables.

RegisterTempQuery registers a query (not a template) with the given ID, allow those methods that expect a QID to be used with a query not managed by the query manager.

These two methods can be used to support the construction of (some) dynamic queries without embedding SQL in your application’s Go code.

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