Tutorial - Reading data from an RDBMS

What you’ll learn

  1. How to use MySQL and Docker to support this tutorial
  2. How to connect Granitic to an RDBMS
  3. How to build templates for your SQL queries using Granitic’s QueryManager facility
  4. How to read data from an RDBMS into Go structs


  1. Follow the Granitic installation instructions
  2. Read the before you start tutorial
  3. Either have completed tutorial 5 or clone the tutorial repo and navigate to json/006/recordstore in your terminal.

Setting up a test database

In order to streamline this tutorial, you will use an existing MySQL schema and test data supplied as part of the tutorial GitHub repository in the docker/db/schema-with-test-data.sql file.

If you haven’t already cloned the tutorial repo, you can do it with:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/graniticio
git clone https://github.com/graniticio/tutorial.git

Using an existing MySQL server

If you already have access to a MySQL database and are familiar with MySQL, you may run the schema-with-test-data.sql file against your existing database server and skip ahead to Defining a DatabaseProvider below.

Note that the script creates a user grnc and allows it to connect from any IP.

Docker and MySQL

Install Docker then open a terminal and run:

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/graniticio/tutorial/docker
docker-compose up --build --detach 

This will build and start a new docker image with the name docker-recordstore-db-1 and bind that image’s port 3306 to your host machine’s port 3306.

If you want to stop the image you can run:

docker stop docker-recordstore-db-1

and destroy it permanently with

docker rm docker-recordstore-db-1

Note for Apple Silicon users

Set this environment variable before running docker compose:

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

MySQL workbench

If you are interested in examining the database’s structure and/or data, you can connect to the new database with MySQL Workbench (or any other tool) using the following credentials:

Host:     localhost 
Port:     3306
User:     grnc
Password: OKnasd8!k
Schema:   recordstore

Creating a DatabaseProvider

Go’s SQL abstraction and ‘driver management’ models are much looser than in some other languages. In order to allow Granitic’s components and facilities to be agnostic of the underlying RDBMS, an additional layer of abstraction has been defined - the DatabaseProvider interface.

our application will have to define a component that implements this interface.

The DatabaseProvider’s role is to create instances of sql.DB (Go’s connection/driver abstraction) and implement any connection pooling and load balancing your application requires. It’s also the most convenient place to import whichever package provides the database driver that you require

Obtaining a MySQL driver for Go

Open the go.mod file in the root of your tutorial project and add the line

  require github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.7.1

Creating a DatabaseProvider component

Create a new file in your tutorial project db/provider.go and set the contents to be:

package db

import (

type MySQLProvider struct {
  Config *mysql.Config
  Log logging.Logger

func (p *MySQLProvider) Database() (*sql.DB, error) {
  dsn := p.Config.FormatDSN()
  if db, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn); err == nil {
    return db, nil
  } else {
    p.Log.LogErrorf("Unable to open connection to MySQL database: %v", err)
    return nil, err

In this file we are importing the database driver package and providing a method for Granitic to call when it needs a connection to your database. The implementation here is very simple and doesn’t offer any connection management other than that implemented by the driver itself.

In your comp-def/common.json file you’ll need to declare a component for your DatabaseProvider

"dbProvider": {
  "type": "db.MySQLProvider",
  "Config": {
    "type": "mysql.Config",
    "User": "grnc",
    "Passwd": "OKnasd8!k",
    "Addr": "localhost",
    "DBName": "recordstore",
    "AllowNativePasswords": true

You’ve added components that rely on two new packages, so make sure you add:


to the packages section at the start of common.json

Configuration in component definition is bad practice

Directly storing the database connection parameters in the common.json file is bad practice and is only used here to keep the length of this tutorial down. Refer back to the configuration tutorial to see how you could use config promises and a separate configuration file to store this type of environment-specific configuration.

New facilities

You’ll need to enable two new facilities (QueryManager and RdbmsAccess) in your config/base.json

"Facilities": {
  "HTTPServer": true,
  "JSONWs": true,
  "RuntimeCtl": true,
  "ServiceErrorManager": true,
  "QueryManager": true,
  "RdbmsAccess": true


This facility is the bridge between Granitic’s database framework and your application code. It uses the DatabaseProvider you created to obtain connections to your database and injects an instance of RdbmsClientManager into any of your application components that have the field:

  DbClientManager rdbms.ClientManager

To find out more, refer to the reference manual


An optional (but recommended) facility offered by Granitic is the QueryManager. This facility allows you to define your database queries in text files outside of your Go code and have variables injected into the template at runtime to create a working query.

The QueryManager facility is not intended to be specific to relational databases; it is designed to support any data source that supports a query language (e.g. search engines, NoSQL databases).

However, it can be configured to provide additional support for SQL queries, so add this to your config/base.json file:

"QueryManager": {
  "ProcessorName": "sql"

To find out more, refer to the reference manual

Artist GET

We are going to connect our existing /artist GET endpoint to the database. Modify the artist/get.go file so that the GetLogic type looks like:

type GetLogic struct {
  EnvLabel string
  Log      logging.Logger
  DbClientManager rdbms.ClientManager

func (gl *GetLogic) ProcessPayload(ctx context.Context, req *ws.Request, res *ws.Response, q *ArtistQuery) {

  // Obtain a Client from the rdbms.ClientManager injected into this component
  dbc, _ := gl.DbClientManager.Client()

  // Create a new object to store the results of our database call 
  result := new(Info)

  // Call the database and populate our object
  if found, err := dbc.SelectBindSingleQIDParams("ARTIST_BY_ID", result, q); found {
    // Make our result object the body of the HTTP response we'll send
    res.Body = result

  } else if err != nil{
    // Something went wrong when communicating with the database - return HTTP 500
    res.HTTPStatus = http.StatusInternalServerError

  } else {
    // No results were returned by the database call - return HTTP 404
    res.HTTPStatus = http.StatusNotFound


The imports section of this file should now be:

import (


rdbms.Client is the interface your code uses to execute queries and manage transactions. It is not goroutine-safe and should not be shared, which is why we use the rdbms.ClientManager to create a new instance on every request.

The methods on rdbms.Client are named to make the intent of your database calls more obvious, in this case the method SelectBindSingleQIDParams tells us:

  • Select - You are executing a SELECT-type SQL query
  • BindSingle - You expect zero or one results and want the result bound into a supplied object (the artist.Info)
  • QID - You are supplying the Query ID of a previously templated query to execute
  • Params - You are supplying one or more objects that can be used to inject values into your templated queries (the ArtistQuery)

There are a number of variations on these methods, including binding multi-row queries into a slice of objects of your choice. Refer to the rdbms GoDoc for more information.

Building a query template

The QueryManager uses resource/queries as the default location for templates, so create a new file resource/queries/artist in your tutorial project and set the contents to:


  name AS Name
  id = ${ID}

Each file can contain any number of queries. The line starting ID: delimits the queries and assigns an ID to the following query (in this case ARTIST_BY_ID). Variables are surrounded by ${} and names are case sensitive.

Parameters to queries

Values for parameters are injected into the query template when you call a method on rdbms.Client. In the case of this query the ${ID} parameter will be populated when we call:

  dbc.SelectBindSingleQIDParams("ARTIST_BY_ID", result, q)

because the ArtistQuery object we are passing as the ‘parameter source’ has a field named ID. If you want to use a different parameter name in your query, you can use the dbparam struct tag like:

type ArtistRequest struct {
  ID  int `dbparam:"artist-id"`

or you can supply a map[string]interface{} as a source of parameters instead of a struct and have complete control over the names of the map keys.

Matching column names and aliases

Granitic automatically populates the fields on the supplied target object (in this case an instance of artist.Info) by finding a field whose name and type matches a column name or alias in the SQL query’s results. This process is case-sensitive, which is why we’ve had to define the column alias Name in the query to match it to the ArtistDetail.Name field.

If you’d prefer not to use aliases in your query or want the name of the field on the struct to be very different to the column name, you can use the column tag on your target object, e.g.:

type ArtistDetail struct {
 	Name string `column:"name"`

Debugging queries

You can make the QueryManager log the queries it constructs by setting the grncQueryManager framework component’s log level to DEBUG in your config file:

"FrameworkLogger": {
  "GlobalLogLevel": "INFO",
  "ComponentLogLevels": {
    "grncQueryManager": "DEBUG"

or at runtime from your command line:

  grnc-ctl log-level grncQueryManager DEBUG

Refer to the logging tutorial for more information on how this works.

Query ID definition

By default, query IDs are defined in your template file with a line like:


If your query files only contain SQL queries, you’ll probably want edit them in an IDE or editor that has SQL syntax highlighting and checking. Your editor will complain about the lines where query IDs are defined.

If you add the following to your config:

"QueryManager": {
  "QueryIDPrefix": "--ID:"

you can define your query IDs like:


and your editor will stop complaining.

Start and test

At this point your service can be started. Open a terminal, navigate to your tutorial project and run:

go mod tidy
grnc-bind && go build && ./recordstore

and visiting http://localhost:8080/artist/1 will yield a response like:

  "Name":"Younger artist"


  • Granitic requires your code to implement a DatabaseProvider component.
  • rdbms.Client objects provide the interface for executing queries.
  • These are obtained through the rdbms.ClientManager framework component which is automatically injected into your application components if they have a field DbClientManager rdbms.ClientManager
  • Queries can be stored in template files and accessed by your code using IDs. This feature is provided by the QueryManager facility.

Further reading


The next tutorial covers the writing of data to an RDBMS