Web services principles
Complete and configurable processing pipeline
By enabling the HTTPServer and one of the JSONWs or XMLWs facilities, your service will be ready to serve web requests through a well-defined pipeline of processing phases.
You are free to substitute your own components for those created and managed by Granitic.
Configurable handler
The core orchestration component in Grantic web service request handling is the handler. Granitic provides a highly configurable default handler ws.Handler that meets the needs of most (non-binary) web service requests.
Minimal code boilerplate
Granitic’s goal is to minimise the amount of boiler-plate code required to create a web service. Most web services can be created by declaring a handler in your component definition file and creating a logic component.
Clean separation of framework and application logic
Granitic has a concept of an application logic component, which represents the boundary from the HTTP-level processing of a request to your application code. Application code should generally avoid interacting directly with HTTP-level structures, but Granitic makes them available should your code need them.
Integration points
Rather than attempt to provide implementations for web service request identification, instrumentation and access management, Granitic instead provides well defined interfaces and integration points to plug-in your own or third-party solutions.
Next: Enabling web services support
Prev: Web services