Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Reference | Web Services

Identity and Access Management (IAM) refers to the process of confirming the identity of the user of a system and then using that identity to determine which functionality within a system that user can access. For web services, this generally means that some endpoints are only available to certain users or that the behaviour of those endpoints changes according to the user.

Granitic does not offer any functionality for managing users, roles or permissions but provides a number of hooks into which you can plug-in your own IAM implementations (or interact with a third party IAM solution).

Handler fields

handler.WsHandler provides a number of fields you can use to configure the IAM behaviour of your endpoints. These are all covered in detail below:

// A component able to examine a request and see if the caller is allowed to access this endpoint.
AccessChecker ws.AccessChecker

// Check caller's permissions after request has been parsed (true) or before parsing (false).
CheckAccessAfterParse bool

// Whether on not the caller needs to be authenticated (using a ws.Identifier) in order to access the logic behind this handler.
RequireAuthentication bool

// A component that can examine a request to determine the calling user/service's identity.
UserIdentifier ws.Identifier 

Identifying and authenticating a caller

A component implementing ws.Identifier is responsible for examining an HTTP request to determine who is making the web service call. The information required to do this is generally (but not always) encoded in HTTP request headers.

You component needs to have a method:

 func Identify(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (iam.ClientIdentity, context.Context)

And you make this component available to your handler.WsHandler by setting a reference to it via the UserIdentifier field.


Your Identify method returns an instance of iam.ClientIdentity which should be set up to reflect the current state of the user - whether or not the user has been authenticated and providing some string representation of the user’s ID that can be used in application and access log files.

As iam.ClientIdentity is of type map[string]interface{} you can also store any data you like about the user, which your application code can retrieve later. The ClientIdentity is passed into your logic component as part of the ws.Request


If your application makes further calls to downstream services, it is likely that the information identifying the user will need to be propagated to those services. The Go pattern for transparently moving meta-data about a request through your application is via a context.Context.

If you require this functionality, it is recommended that your Identify returns a new context containing enough information to recreate the HTTP encoded representation of a user identity when the call to a downstream service is made.

Requiring authentication

You can require a user to be authenticated to use an endpoint. If you set the RequireAuthentication field to true on your handler.WsHandler, Granitic will automatically return a 401 Unauthorized HTTP response code if the iam.ClientIdentity you constructed in your Identify method has had it’s SetAuthenticated method set to false.

Checking authorisation

Once a user has been identified, you can optionally provide a component to check if they are authorised to access the current endpoint. You should create a component that implements ws.AccessChecker and set a reference to it on the AccessChecker field of your handler.WsHandler

Your component needs to implement the method:

func Allowed(ctx context.Context, r *Request) bool

And return false if the user is not allowed to access the current endpoint, which will result in a 403 Forbidden HTTP response code being sent to the caller.

Authorise after parse

By default, the authorisation check occurs before the body of the inbound request is parsed. If your code needs access to the data embedded in the HTTP request’s body to determine whether a user is authorised or not, you can set the CheckAccessAfterParse field on your handler to true. If the body is successfully parsed, it will be available in the ws.Request passed into your Allowed method.

Be aware that this is potentially a security risk - callers can pass in invalid bodies in an attempt to use the resulting errors to determine the structure of a valid request.

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