Log levels

Reference | Logging

Controlling which components’ messages are output to logs and at which severity level is controlled through the concept of log level thresholds (or just log levels).

The default configuration for Granitic’s logging facility includes this:

  "GlobalLogLevel": "INFO"

  "GlobalLogLevel": "INFO"

This means that, by default, both framework components (Granitic built-in code) and application components (your code) will log messages that have a severity of INFO or higher (e.g INFO, WARN, ERROR and FATAL).

This is referred to as the global log level, which applies unless you have provided a specific log level for a component.

Overriding the global log level

Like all Granitic facility configuration, your application can change behaviour by overriding that that configuration in one of your application’s configuration files. For example, if you include the following in one of your configuration files:

  "GlobalLogLevel": "FATAL"

  "GlobalLogLevel": "TRACE"

Granitic’s own components will be effectively silenced (only logging ‘FATAL’, which would indicate a crash) and your own components would be logging ‘TRACE’ and above (effectively all messages).

Setting a log level for a specific component

You can change the log level for an individual component without affecting the global log level. For example:

  "GlobalLogLevel": "INFO",
  "ComponentLogLevels": {
    "grncQueryManager": "DEBUG",
    "grncHTTPServer": "FATAL"

  "GlobalLogLevel": "INFO",
  "ComponentLogLevels": {
    "myComponent": "TRACE"

This shows the built-in Granitic components grncQueryManager and grncHTTPServer having their logging threshold set to DEBUG and FATAL respectively. Additionally the application component myComponent has its threshold set to TRACE.

Specific levels take precedence

If a log level is explicitly set, that level will always take precedence over the global log level. So if a component is explicitly set to TRACE, it will log all messages, even if the global log level was set to FATAL.

Conversely, a component with a log level set to FATAL would only output FATAL messages, even if the global level was set to TRACE.

Setting log levels at runtime

If you enable Granitic’s runtime control facility, you use the runtime-ctl command line tool or the runtime control API to change the global or component-specific log levels when your application is running.

The commands available are documented here in the built-in commands section of the runtime control documentation.

Logging during the bootstrap phase

Loading and applying your logging configuration is one of the first things Granitic does, but there is logic that is run before that point (finding, loading and validating your configuration, for one). This pre-configuration state is known as the bootstrap phase. You can control logging behaviour during this phase by passing the -l argument to your application and providing one of the standard log levels (from TRACE to FATAL).

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