Configuration type handling
JSON supports a very simple type model of strings, booleans, numbers, objects (maps) and arrays of those types.
Your application will use configuration promises to map a configuration path in your configuration to a typed field on a Go struct.
Generally the behaviour of mapping between JSON and Go types is as you would expect and as in line with how Go’s JSON decoder works but there are a few quirks to be aware of.
Number sizes and signing
You can use a JSON number to populate any Go numeric type, size or signed-ness but information will be silently lost if the target field’s type cannot accommodate the value specified in the JSON number.
As a result, it is recommended that you use int64
and float64
types on fields that received numbers from configuration
and then, if necessary validate the value provided and convert to a more specific Go type in your component’s
StartComponent() method.
Mixed types in arrays
If a JSON array contains a mixture of JSON types (e.g. not every element is of the same type), the receiving field
must be of type interface{}[]
JSON objects
If your configuration path points to a JSON object/map, the receiving type must either be a struct or a
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